Saturday 12 March 2022

Clappers of the old ring

Many English churches feature inscribed bells that date from the medieval period and later. The bells and the structure in which they hang often requires repair and restoration. This must have happened at Great Malvern Priory in 1887 because in that year Edward Archer preserved the old "clappers" (the pieces of metal that strike each bell) of the ring i.e. the collection of bells, and mounted them on a display board with accompanying text, verse and decoration, all made from dome-head nails. If you look carefully you can see the date of each clapper - two are dated 1611, three are dated 1707 and one has the words "Virgin Mary about 1380". The display can be seen in the Priory porch.

photo © T. Boughen     Camera: Olympus OMD E-M10