Tuesday 20 April 2021

Pheasant in the garden

Recently we had a cock pheasant (of the ringed-necked variety) in our garden. It stayed long enough to explore and feed on the fallout from the seed dispensers. It was the first pheasant to visit the back garden since we moved into the house. At our previous house pheasants were reasonably common. One cock bird took to roosting in a conifer in our garden one winter. It would arrive each evening with a loud call as it took up it place in the branches. At the house prior to that one I went out of the front door one day and disturbed a golden pheasant that was rooting about in the shrubbery - a very unusual sight outside of an aviary or specialist collection, and one that makes the sight of a common pheasant seem even commoner.

photo © T. Boughen     Camera: Nikon P900