Monday 12 April 2021

Darkhill Ironworks, Forest of Dean

David Mushet began the Darkhill Ironworks, producing iron, near Coleford in the Forest of Dean, in the year 1818. His son, Robert established another ironworks nearby. Together they worked out how to make steel cheaply in larger quantities. In 1856 Robert perfected Henry Bessemer's process for making good, cheap steel. The first tungsten steel was made in 1868 by Robert and he built the Titanic Steelworks a few hundred yards from the Darkhill site to produce it.

The remains of the Darkhill Ironworks and the Titanic Steelworks were uncovered in 1979 and made available to the public as a reminder of the pioneering work in iron and steel that is a feature of the Forest of Dean.

photo © T. Boughen     Camera: Lumix FZ1000 2