Tuesday 6 April 2021

Kingfisher, River Wye

The Covid 19 lockdowns have severely curtailed my photography in as much as I cannot travel as widely as I would like and consequently I am selecting from a narrower range of subjects. I am also taking more photographs of some subjects, particularly birds. My photographic equipment was never selected with serious bird photography in mind - I am much more of a generalist. But a couple of my cameras allow me to get reasonably close to avian subjects and the kingfishers on the River Wye have been quite accommodating recently. This male bird was performing for people passing by on a footpath only 20 metres distant. I didn't know its sex until I was prompted to find out by a member of the public who asked me if I knew it. Apparently the male's bill is all black and the female has a pinkish-orange tinge to the base of the lower mandible.

photo © T. Boughen     Camera: Lumix FZ1000 2