Thursday 11 May 2023

Yarn bombed bus shelter

Yarn bombing - the decoration of street furniture with with knitted objects, sometimes themed, sometimes not - has really taken off in recent years. I've grown accustomed to seasonal and event-themed displays appearing across the year in the market town where we live. On a recent visit to Tewkesbury we saw some more yarn bombing but I couldn't tell what had promted it. The largest piece was a glass and metal bus shelter where the seat and its sheltering canopy was colourfully decorated (above). Those waiting for the bus probably appreciated the warmer, cushioned bench. What seemed a less good idea was the yarn bombing on the seat of a slatted metal bench just out of shot to the right of the shelter. It occurred to me that any rain that fell on it would linger, making the bench unusable until the wool dried.

photo © T. Boughen     Camera: Nikon Z 5