Sunday 1 January 2023

Corona, Hereford Cathedral

These days we are so accustomed to seeing the word "corona" followed by the word "virus" that any other meaning of the word surprises us. In fact, the word comes from the Latin for "crown", and is used as a synonym for that royal head-wear. By extension it is also used to describe a wreath, a ring, a diadem and even the outer atmosphere of the sun that is visible in a total eclipse. Consequently it comes as no surprise to see the word describe the golden "zig-zag" ring that hangs above the altar under the tower crossing of Hereford Cathedral. Incidentally, one of the pearl-like lighting features hangs in each transept and is quite separate from the corona, only looking adjacent because of the point from which I took the photograph.

photos © T. Boughen     Camera: Lumix FZ1000 2