Sunday 18 September 2022

Norman architecture

It's common for architectural historians to have favourite periods. For some it is the elegance and good sense of the Georgian era. Others prefer the Englishness of Arts and Crafts. And there are even those who have a liking for the watered-down English version of the Modern style of the first half of the twentieth century.

When it comes to medieval Romanesque and Gothic people often have a preference - maybe Early English rather than Decorated, or Perpendicular over Norman. I have no strong feelings for one style over another but I do confess to liking Saxon/Norman more than most people. On a recent tour I admired the grand and somewhat gloomy Norman style at Winchester Cathedral (top photo) and the more modest, but no less interesting arches, columns, capitals and decorative features of St John Baptist at Devizes (bottom photo).

photo © T. Boughen     Camera: Nikon D5300