Friday 25 June 2021

Ghost advertisement?

On a recent visit to Monmouth I noticed this "ghost advertisement", the residue of an old advert of, perhaps, Edwardian or Victorian origin, that had been uncovered by a later workman and kept for its historical interest. It reads: "Support Home Industries, J. Hillman Milliners, Extra Quality Silk Hats, Unequalled for Hard Wear, Always in Stock". The time when people required a silk hat at all, never mind one that is hard wearing, is long past, so I presumed the advert was quite old. An internet search, however, revealed something different. Apparently it dates from 2004 when BBC TV was filming a "Doctor Who" episode, "The Unquiet Dead" in the town and presumably needed to make the location fit the year 1869 in which the story was set. Not a real ghost advertisement and not old at all!

photo © T. Boughen     Camera: Lumix FZ1000 2