Sunday 21 March 2021

St Mary's Lane, Tewkesbury

The Gloucestershire town of Tewkesbury has more than 380 Listed Buildings, that is to say, old buildings subject to legislation regarding how they may be modified. The purpose of Listing is to preserve notable examples of of our built past. Many of Tewkesbury's Listed Buildings are timber-framed. On a recent visit we walked down St Mary's Lane and came upon this view as we were about to exit on to Church Street. The combination of aged timber, old brickwork, painted wood and plaster, and the fact that none of it had been insensitively restored, gave us something of a feel for how that thoroughfare might have looked five hundred years ago.

And what do you see when you walk out of the end of St Mary's Lane?A fine collection of old buildings each one pretty much built with no regard for its neighbour. And none the worse for that.

 photos © T. Boughen     Camera: Lumix FZ1000 2