Tuesday 22 September 2020

The confluence of Monnow and Wye

The Welsh name of the Welsh town of Monmouth is Trefynwy which in English translates as "town on the River Monnow". The English name of the town derives from "Monnow mouth" and refers to the confluence of the smaller Monnow and the larger River Wye at the edge of the town. On a recent sunny day we walked down to this meeting of waters and reflected how benign it all looked; a strong contrast with the floods of earlier in the year. The Wye is on the left of the spit of land, the Monnow on the right. In the distance is the Duke of Beaufort Railway Bridge dating from 1874. It has been disused by rail since 1964 but now serves as part of a long distance footpath.

photo © T. Boughen     Camera: Lumix FZ1000 2