Wednesday 10 June 2020

Tree and sky echoes

As I understand it the willows of varying species that flank the River Wye where it meanders through flatter landscapes serve an important function by anchoring the banks. In their absence the soft soil would be too easily eroded and the river would widen, perhaps change course more readily, and maintain a higher rate of flow, thereby presenting more problems for buildings and farmers. Consequently its not unusual to see the bankside willows being pruned and pollarded to encourage their growth and additional plantings are a reasonably common sight. This relatively large willow has received a heavy pruning but is already beginning to sprout shoots. I passed it some time after three aircraft had passed over. The wind-induced waywardness of their vapour trails echoed the irregular lines of the cropped branches.

photo © T. Boughen     Camera: Lumix FZ1000 2