Wednesday 27 May 2020

Voluted bracket, The Prospect, Ross on Wye

In 1700 John Kyrle, a benefactor of Ross on Wye, gave to the town two stone gateways that opened on to The Prospect, a public, park-like space with a view over the town, the valley of the River Wye and beyond as far as the Welsh mountains. These are both in the classical style, the one near the church having large voluted brackets that support the gateposts. As we passed them the other day I noted that ivy had grown on to the brackets adding real foliage to the the carved acanthus leaf foliage in the volutes. I presumed that the dead ivy indicated someone's earlier attempt to prevent the ivy from damaging the stonework and reflected that another, more concerted effort, will be needed very shortly.

photo © T. Boughen     Camera: Sony DSC-RX100