Monday 22 April 2024

The Herefordshire School of Carvers

In the church of St Michael, Castle Frome, Herefordshire is a magnificently carved Norman font. It is the product of a group of sculptors who carved distinctive fonts and other objects within the county. They date from the twelfth century and incorporate a number of styles - Anglo-Saxon, Norse (Viking), Benedictine, Western France and Northern Italy. The font in Castle Frome is probably one of their last works, perhaps carved c.1150. The top of the font exhibits bold plaiting and the lower features interlace. In between are figures of the Evangelists and scenes telling the story of the baptism of Christ. St Luke holding a book is prominent in the photograph. At the base, in a different type of stone are three disfigured crouching creatures.

photo © T. Boughen     Camera: Nikon Z 5