Monday 7 October 2019

Smearsett Scar

The "scar" landscapes of the Yorkshire Dales (called "Karst landscape" in wider geological circles) are much loved walking areas. The grey outcropping rock and the short grass studded with wild thyme, mountain pansy, bird's-foot trefoil, rock rose, scabious and more are a magnet for those who enjoy exploring the uplands. Many consider them unspoilt and natural, but in fact they are artificial, the product of sheep grazing, and missing the much wider range of plant and animal life they would support if not so heavily cropped. The relative paucity of bird life on a recent walk taking in Settle, Giggleswick, Feizor, Stainforth and Langcliffe reminded me of what I used to see by way of birds in these areas fifty and more years ago. The change is dramatic and tragic.

photo © T. Boughen     Camera: Olympus OMD E-M10