Saturday 18 May 2019

Woodland track

Currently the woodland track that crosses Coppett Hill, above Goodrich in Herefordshire, is bordered with bluebells. At least that is the case in the areas where the trees are well-spaced and sufficient light has penetrated to the grass below. In these parts it has something of the character of heathland with the occasional hawthorn so heavily laden with blossom it almost looks like there has been a recent snowfall. I grew up in the Yorkshire Dales where "bluebell woods" were known and celebrated. In the part of the Marches where I now reside bluebells are more widespread and even give areas of open grassland a blue hue, as was the case a couple of weeks ago when we ascended May Hill in Gloucestershire.

photo © T. Boughen     Camera: Sony DSC-RX100